Laser Control Module
EtherCAT Laser Control Module
LCM is an EtherCAT slave module that enables ACS Controllers and Control Modules to control a laser source directly with full synchronization to motion, resulting in highest quality laser micro-machining and optimal throughput.
It is able to interface with a wide range of lasers designed for processing and machining applications such as DPSS, CO2, excimer, fiber, Q-switched, picosecond, femtosecond, and more. |
Functional Summary
- Digital pulse modulation for dynamic laser power control
- Pulse synchronization with XYZ motion path at specific positions
- Laser gating (on/off) synchronization with XYZ motion path at specific positions
- Flexible electrical interface: laser enable output, safety interlock input, fault input for robust safety implementation, general purpose programmable I/O
- User defined operational zones
- Laser delay compensation
- Auxiliary P/D outputs
- Ability to combine control modes to meet wide ranging application requirements
Laser Control Modes
- Digital Modulation Mode (for power control)
› Fixed frequency
› Fixed pulse width
› Fixed duty cycle
- Tickle Mode
› Fixed frquency and pulse width
- Fixed Distance Pulse Firing Mode
- Array Based Pulse Firing Mode
- Array Based Gating Mode
- Axis Range Windowing Mode
- Motion Capabilities (by ACS Controller)
- Rapid point to point positioning on a single or multi-axis using 3rd order interpolation
- Up to 5 axes cordinted path motion via G-Code or ACS native XSEG motion commands with advanced look-ahead and corner rounding algorithms
- Error mapping compensation
- Support for cartesian and non-cartesian systems
